Looking for Kosko, Brejnak, Nowacki families from Ostrow Mazowiecka, Poland
(too old to reply)
Lady Sadie
2007-01-29 13:22:40 UTC
Trying to find some relatives.
Joe Pessarra
2007-01-29 21:24:37 UTC
Post by Lady Sadie
Trying to find some relatives.
Poland phone directory at
http://www.ksiazka-telefoniczna.com/index.php?offset=10 can be searched for
those surnames in the location you have given.

Directory has 2 listings of Kosko, 2 listings of Brejnak, and 10 listings of
Nowacki in Ostrow Mazowiecka.

Good luck on making contacts.

Joe in Texas
Lady Sadie
2007-01-30 16:01:04 UTC
On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 15:24:37 -0600, "Joe Pessarra"
Post by Joe Pessarra
Post by Lady Sadie
Trying to find some relatives.
Poland phone directory at
http://www.ksiazka-telefoniczna.com/index.php?offset=10 can be searched for
those surnames in the location you have given.
Directory has 2 listings of Kosko, 2 listings of Brejnak, and 10 listings of
Nowacki in Ostrow Mazowiecka.
Good luck on making contacts.
Joe in Texas
Thanks for the reply.

Val in Florida
