I found Röversdorf in Kartenmeister.com. Are you sure of the spelling? Perhaps
the umlaut over the o was dropped and the v became a w. This former German town
belongs to Poland since post-WWII border changes.
German Name Röversdorf
Today's Name Sedziszowa
Kreis/County Schönau
German Province Schlesien
Today's Province Dolnoslaskie
Location East 15°52' North 51°01'
Location Description This village/town is located 1.4 km and 289 degrees from
Schönau-Katzbach, which is known today as Swierzawa
Lutheran Parish Schönau 1845, 1905
Catholic Parish Schönau 1845, 1905
Standesamt/Civil Registry Röversdorf 1905
Christa Sobczak
(remove "nospam" if responding directly)
Post by BillMy ancestors come from a town named Rowersdorf. I have been told it was
destroyed during WWII but know nothing more. Can someone help me?
Thank you in advance