Help reading document
(too old to reply)
2007-06-16 00:16:21 UTC

I just found a document from my great-grandfather, with dates in
They are online (4 pages) at:


At the end of the war, he was in Russia, but made his way west.

It looks, to me, like the writing is Polish or Russian, but it is too
messy for me to read.

Can someone have a look at the pictures and tell me what the document
is and what it says?

Thank you,
Stefan Ramonat
2007-06-16 20:05:11 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
I just found a document from my great-grandfather, with dates in
At the end of the war, he was inRussia, but made his way west.
It looks, to me, like the writing is Polish or Russian, but it is too
messy for me to read.
Can someone have a look at the pictures and tell me what the document
is and what it says?
Thank you,
Stefan Ramonat
Hi there

The first page, upper part is text in Russian, with many
abbreviations.Below a German text seems to begin.

The pages 2, 3, 4 are unreadable, but they do not look Russian.
Judging by the first page it could be some medical thing and yes,
written in a doctor's handwriting. IMHO it can be shown to a German
doctor, to begin with.

PLS send an Email to ***@mail.ru and I'll send you the first page
with what I've been able to read.


2007-06-17 08:07:26 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
I just found a document from my great-grandfather, with dates in
At the end of the war, he was in Russia, but made his way west.
It looks, to me, like the writing is Polish or Russian, but it is too
messy for me to read.
Can someone have a look at the pictures and tell me what the document
is and what it says?
Thank you,
Stefan Ramonat

on top of first page there are text in Russian bellow and on other
pages in German, my knowledge of german language is very poor.
On bottom of first page I see Wolkawischken (it's Vilkavi�kis
(Vilkavishkis) - small town in south-west Lithuania). There are name,
surname, birth date of Gustaw Krug... There small comment near birth
date- I think it's about military award - <I can't read first word>
Kreis (Cross).
2007-06-17 12:23:39 UTC
Post by Edas
pages in German, my knowledge of german language is very poor.
On bottom of first page I see Wolkawischken (it's Vilkavi�kis
(Vilkavishkis) - small town in south-west Lithuania).
Yes, he was born in Kybeikiai, which is in the Vilkavi�kis region of
Lithuania, and lived nearby.

Thank you,
Stefan Ramonat
2007-06-18 08:33:40 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Edas
pages in German, my knowledge of german language is very poor.
On bottom of first page I see Wolkawischken (it's Vilkavi�kis
(Vilkavishkis) - small town in south-west Lithuania).
Yes, he was born in Kybeikiai, which is in the Vilkavi�kis region of
Lithuania, and lived nearby.
Thank you,
Stefan Ramonat

I look deeper to text and I can read text in Russian:
- nationality - German;
- village/town Gruschwitz;
- mother name- Marta;
next there are about disease- Poliartrit reum. (chronische
Polyarthritis, http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheumatoide_Arthritis).

It's very interesting that document date are 10-09-1945, WW2 was
finished 4 moth ago... Lithuania occupied was in summer of 1944.
I think it is in time of germans genocide in Prussian (Konigsberg) by
Soviets. About 1 million germans was killed, tortured, womans and
girls raped...
2007-06-18 08:38:36 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Edas
pages in German, my knowledge of german language is very poor.
On bottom of first page I see Wolkawischken (it's Vilkavi�kis
(Vilkavishkis) - small town in south-west Lithuania).
Yes, he was born in Kybeikiai, which is in the Vilkavi�kis region of
Lithuania, and lived nearby.
Thank you,
Stefan Ramonat
- nationality - German;
- village/town Gruschwitz;
- mother name- Marta;
next there are about disease- Poliartrit reum. (chronische
It's very interesting that document date are 10-09-1945, WW2 was
finished 4 moth ago... Lithuania occupied was in summer of 1944.
I think it is in time of germans genocide in Prussian (Konigsberg) by
Soviets. About 1 million germans was killed, tortured, womans and
girls raped...
Stefan, your surname are Ramonat. I think it's from lithuanian
surname- Ramonaitis:) Is it true?
2007-06-18 12:12:34 UTC
Post by Edas
Stefan, your surname are Ramonat. I think it's from lithuanian
surname- Ramonaitis:) Is it true?
Yes, my family came from Lithuania where they often went by

Also, you say that it says his mother's name is Marta (Martha).
However, his mother's name was actually Mathilde (though his wife's
name was Martha).

Is it actually talking about his wife, or is Martha/Mathilde the same
in Russian?

Thank you,
Stefan Ramonat
2007-06-19 08:24:19 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Edas
Stefan, your surname are Ramonat. I think it's from lithuanian
surname- Ramonaitis:) Is it true?
Yes, my family came from Lithuania where they often went by
Also, you say that it says his mother's name is Marta (Martha).
However, his mother's name was actually Mathilde (though his wife's
name was Martha).
Is it actually talking about his wife, or is Martha/Mathilde the same
in Russian?
Thank you,
Stefan Ramonat
No, Martha and/or Mathilde isn't same name in russian. There are
russian word "matj" (mother) before Marta. First word on this line is
unreadable :(
