Where Is The World's Largest Family History & Genealogy Library Located?
(too old to reply)
2012-01-22 20:29:24 UTC
Where Is The World's Largest Family History
& Genealogy Library Located?

According to the LDS Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah,
it is the "Largest library of its kind in the world." The collection
includes over 2.4 million rolls of microfilmed genealogical records;
727,000 microfiche; 356,000 books, serials, and other formats;
over 4,500 periodicals and 3,725 electronic resources. (13 JAN 2012).

Additionally, "In the FamilySearch Research Wiki, you can learn
how to do genealogical research or share your knowledge with others."
Melvyl® Legacy Telnet Database Browse Current - Miscellaneous
Consolidation - WorldCat®, includes an additional consolidation of
selected FamilySearch categories, within each of the UC Melvyl®
catalog sections, for all worldwide locations.

The Library of Congress is billed as the largest library in the world,
"by shelf space and number of books." "In late November 2005, the
Library announced intentions to launch the World Digital Library,
digitally preserving books and other objects from all world cultures."

WorldCat® "is the world's largest library catalog,
helping you find library materials online", with
"1.5 billion items available here through a library"
WorldCat® :(dated 14 Jan 2012) Search results
for "genealog*" limited to Libraries Worldwide
(WorldCat®) Results of about 807,257. [COMPARE]
WorldCat® :(dated 14 Jan 2012) Search results
for 'genealog* periodicals' limited to Libraries Worldwide
(WorldCat®) Results of about 16,138 [COMPARE]

So where does the world's largest family history
and genealogy library exist? Is it somewhere together,
between them all, within a nebulous computer cloud?
Yes. The worldwide accessible online database,
connected by institutions via the Internet.
This digital library is a virtual library in which collections
of genealogy and family history related materials,
"are stored in digital formats (as opposed to print,
microform, or other media) and accessible by computers",
or computer networks. This "type of information retrieval system",
is electronically transmitted to Internet patrons who do not need
to be physically present at the source depository. There are two
information scientists at the University of California, Berkeley,
who believe that "soon it will be technologically possible for
an average person to access virtually all recorded information."

The shape of the future appears in a study
of the University of California Melvyl® System.
A. Melvyl® Library System Catalogs
1. http://www.academic-genealogy.com/melvyluniversityofcaliforniagenealogyfamilyhistory.htm#catalogs
B. Melvyl® Library System Subject Headings
2. http://www.academic-genealogy.com/melvyluniversityofcaliforniagenealogyfamilyhistory.htm#Browse

WorldCat®: University of California Libraries: provides
current information on specific entries listed above,
(full holdings, locations, call numbers, etc.); or,
to find new additions in the entire collection.
The general search can be done by subject or keywords;
for example, use: "genealog*", etc., for the record collection.

Google™ (California + Google) provides additional, immediate
free or subscription online access to records. Check resources
with collections at Salt Lake City, Utah Family History Library.
Use: Introduction to the Family History Library Catalog
and Deciphering Family History Library Catalog Entries.

For example, "UC libraries partner with Google to digitize books",
has about 60,000 family history, or genealogy related records,
in its current system, which will provide, when online, about
one sixth of the volume of "356,000 books, serials, and other
formats" located at the SLC, Utah, LDS Family History Library.

As Google™ Books Library Partners increases,
the number of select, family history and genealogy
records online proportionately increases. The process
ultimately will provide an online database of information,
that freely includes out of copyright resources, with more
restricted, paid public access to currently published or in
copyright data resources. This nebulous computer cloud
will transcend any local institutional collection.

Respectfully yours,

V. Chris & Tom Tinney, Sr.
Family Genealogy and History Internet Education Directory - Wiki
Richard van Schaik
2012-02-07 02:01:20 UTC
Why JacobSmith,

Disguising Tom, but steadily giving mails on several newsgroups I
attend. Please at first give those under own name (took here one of
subscribers at random) and secondly only give relevant information to
the newsgroups which you never have seen inkling too. Newsgroup at
random, message at random you'll never will know how disgusted I became
of your reports through reading loads of newsgroups.I do know members of
the same church behaving themselves to set it short

Richard van Schaik
2012-03-25 02:51:59 UTC
On Feb 6, 7:01 pm, Richard van Schaik
Post by Richard van Schaik
Why JacobSmith,
Disguising Tom, but steadily giving mails on several newsgroups I
attend. Please at first give those under own name (took here one of
subscribers at random) and secondly only give relevant information to
the newsgroups which you never have seen inkling too. Newsgroup at
random, message at random you'll never will know how disgusted I became
of your reports through reading loads of newsgroups.I do know members of
the same church behaving themselves to set it short
Richard van Schaik
The information is worldwide and comprehensive.
