Prazak Family - Bilina, Usti nad Labem, Czechoslovakia
(too old to reply)
2008-05-07 13:39:45 UTC
If anybody has any knowledge of a famiy with the name of Pražák - in
the area of Bilina, Usti nad Labem in Czechoslovakia - I would
very much like to hear from them.

The family is known to have been in the Bilina area around the year

The father was Karel Prazak and his wife was Helena Adamova.

They had several children including a son named Vaclav, who was born
in 1901.
Joe Pessarra
2008-05-07 19:00:30 UTC
If anybody has any knowledge of a famiy with the name of Prazák - in
the area of Bilina, Usti nad Labem in Czechoslovakia - I would
very much like to hear from them.
The family is known to have been in the Bilina area around the year
The father was Karel Prazak and his wife was Helena Adamova.
They had several children including a son named Vaclav, who was born
in 1901.
Czech phone directory at http://phone.fin.cz/ has some listings for Prazak
in Usti nad Labem. There are four city zones. Some Prazak listings in each
of them, except one. Do the search, and send some letters to your distant
cousins. There are no Prazak listings for Bilina. You might check some
nearby towns. Use Multimap at http://www.multimap.com//to find Bilina, and
find nearby towns for your phone & address search. The third Bilina listed
is the one in Usti nad Labem region. Severni Teresa is nearby, and one of
the Prazak listings is there. The other listings are in Krasne Brezno and
Klise. Krasne Brezno and Klise are also nearby to Usti nad Lebem. You
might check the phone directory for Adamova, as well.

Good luck. Z Panem Bohem,

Joe in Texas
