German's from Russia
(too old to reply)
Gayle Schlissel Riley
2006-10-26 15:54:28 UTC
I am helping a 101 yr old lady with a good mind. She would like to find
out about her Mom. Mathilda Heth, from the Dakota's, born 1879 Russia
In a book "Lutheran Immanuels Parish church records Hutchinson County,
South Dakota" by Bauer, Elaine. her parents marriage is mentioned. Does
anyone have that book?
I do not know if there is a German's from Russia group so I am posting here.
The husband was George Schlenker.
I have checked Ancestry, the census and Castle Garden's. She arrived
between censuses 1881 by 1900 she was married. She had 10 sis and 2 bro.
The grandmother did make it here.
Advise whether the was home town societies for this group? Thanks gayle
2006-10-26 17:51:13 UTC
There is a site of Germans from Russia at www.grhs.org
Good luck with your search.
