Gayle Schlissel Riley
2006-10-26 15:54:28 UTC
I am helping a 101 yr old lady with a good mind. She would like to find
out about her Mom. Mathilda Heth, from the Dakota's, born 1879 Russia
In a book "Lutheran Immanuels Parish church records Hutchinson County,
South Dakota" by Bauer, Elaine. her parents marriage is mentioned. Does
anyone have that book?
I do not know if there is a German's from Russia group so I am posting here.
The husband was George Schlenker.
I have checked Ancestry, the census and Castle Garden's. She arrived
between censuses 1881 by 1900 she was married. She had 10 sis and 2 bro.
The grandmother did make it here.
Advise whether the was home town societies for this group? Thanks gayle
out about her Mom. Mathilda Heth, from the Dakota's, born 1879 Russia
In a book "Lutheran Immanuels Parish church records Hutchinson County,
South Dakota" by Bauer, Elaine. her parents marriage is mentioned. Does
anyone have that book?
I do not know if there is a German's from Russia group so I am posting here.
The husband was George Schlenker.
I have checked Ancestry, the census and Castle Garden's. She arrived
between censuses 1881 by 1900 she was married. She had 10 sis and 2 bro.
The grandmother did make it here.
Advise whether the was home town societies for this group? Thanks gayle