In Polish, if a man is described as siwy it means that he has gray hair and
perhaps a grizzled appearance.
Since many Polish surnames had their origin as nicknames it is certainly
possible that this is the origin of your surname.
If you check out this site your will see that the name is reasonably common
especially in the south of Poland.
I hope that helps.
Andy Kowaluk
-----Original Message-----
From: gen-slavic-***
[mailto:gen-slavic-***] On Behalf Of Joseph Siwy
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2008 10:21 AM
To: GEN-***
Subject: Slavic Genealogy
I have been told that the word "siwy" is of Slavic origin. Therefore, I was
wondering whether there might also be a Slavonic base location for my
surname:Siwy. Thank you ever so much for the courtesy of your reply.
J. Siwy
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